

なぜ多様性を考えるか。争いをしたくないという人間の本能に対して、意思を持って取り組むからだと思う。 意思がなければ、そもそも思考しない。植物はお互いにコミュニケーション出来ないが、長い歴史の中で環境に適応し、結果として生き残った植物は多様だ…

Managing Subordinates LESSON 6 Goal Setting Discussions

1. Point Goal setting discussion should be followd by the performance reveiw. The goal should be connected to the organizations' goal. It is effective to re-read the company's mission statement. A deeper understanding that will draw your e…

Comminication ploblem is ignorance of difference of style

To improve communication problems, you have to ask yourself how they really are. People often say that this is communication problems or lack of communication in summary. I think this is not an effective summary because this summary does n…

Managing Subordinates Lesson5 Performance Evaluation Conversations

1. Point Permance review should include more than anuual review. Leader should communicate both positive performance and area where subordinates should improve on a regular basis. Do not let your performance review in a recent period. Docu…

Managing Subordinates Lesson4 Pointing out an Inappropriate (e.g. harassing or discriminatory) Remark

1. Point There are no workplace where inappropriate remarks do not exit. Correct in constructive mannar. Do not offend. Have those express inappropriate remarks break down why they did so. Stay calm, and tell them why you were offend. Do n…

Managing Subordinates Lesson3_Coaching to Improve Performance

Point If you find subordinates' performance lackluster, you should improve it by coaching. Coaching is to improve current issues your subordinates face. You have to focus on not why but what is happening. Listen your subordinates' viewpoin…

Managing Subordinates Lesson2 Retaining a Subordinate Who Has an Offer from Another Firm

Point Talented subordinates have always oppotunities to have offer from other firms. Conduct a stya meeting. Identifiy what he/she values for offers and do everything you can do to retain him/her. Provider flexble benefit package which mig…

8つの習慣 01 Be lazy

あるブログで8つの習慣というものを見つけた。 http://simplearchitect.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/02/13/080021 一つ目のBe lazyが面白かったです。OECDの中で、日本の生産性が低い事は有名です。特にホワイトカラーの生産性が低いのが原因です。 原因は、…

Managing Subordinates Lesson1 Listening to and Dealing with Complaints

Point Hear complains in a calm manner. Specity what the complains are. Get your subordinates to suggest the solution. You may solve the issues together. Deal with them in a timely manner that allows you to gain trust from your subordinates…

Lesson16 Expressing a Concern

Point Be selective. Do not pick up all the issues. Pick up the one that is the most importance for the health of your organization. Be assertive. Share your concerns in private. Start with the positive. Process Admit your talk pertnars' st…

2019/4/30 うまくいった事

会社の販売用在庫管理があるべき姿に向けて前進した。諦めないでプロセスにチャレンジにして本当に良かった。正しい事を正しく、うまくやる事が最終的に勝つ。ホワイトボードを使って、議論を可視化してあげた事も不毛な議論を呼ばず良かった。 経理作業効率…


1.理解したこと B2C2Cという事をやっているという事が良く分かった。 B2C2廃棄の流れを劇的に変えた。 ネットでマッチングプラットフォームを作るという事は、不要だと思っていたストックを消費者同士で永久に循環させる仕組み。 つまりそういう点では、ア…

LESSON 15 Reporting Status (to your supervisor or client)

1. Point First, know the supervisors or clients' priority. Give the summary update. Do not give laundry list. Deliver the impactful issues that contributes to the benefit. Keep your report simple, short, and clear. 2. Processes Give execti…

Lesson14 Delivering Bad News

1. Point Decision should be make fairly. You need to know the details about the decision process. Tell your subordinate in a respectful and honest manner. Focus on a result and step your team members back to see positive aspects. 2. Proces…


I agree with this idea. Good to have wider perspectives Doing multi-job is good because it is easier for people to work in other depts. temporarily than do by a transfer to other depts. so as to have experience in other departments. Accept…

中国 深セン


LESSON 13 Pairing Positive and Negative Feedback

Point Turn negative feedback into positive. The goal of both positive and negative feedback is to improve the behavior and productivity of the employee, which in turn, improves the productivity of the organization. Process Ask how someone …

Key point to realize great workplace

Point Prepare to form and share your vision with great guys. Believe making great workplace will definitely lead to great performance. Commitment to people problems. Everyone wants to work enthusiastically. Hire those can adapt themselves …

LESSON 12 Giving Negative Feedback

Point The objective is to let employees know where they refocus their efforts. Stick to facts. Don't sugarcoat your negative feedback. Give the results which make his/her perspective change from self-justification. Process Show I would lik…

ビジネスプロセスマネジメント 05 ビジネスプロセスマネジメントを推進する部門と専門家の育成

The lecture was very interesting because it convinced me that I am a business analyst. 1 Be an effective organizer I would like to behave as an effective organizer. Hopefully, I will be very happy if people think me a great leader with goo…