
Managing Subordinates Lesson5 Performance Evaluation Conversations

1. Point Permance review should include more than anuual review. Leader should communicate both positive performance and area where subordinates should improve on a regular basis. Do not let your performance review in a recent period. Docu…

Managing Subordinates Lesson4 Pointing out an Inappropriate (e.g. harassing or discriminatory) Remark

1. Point There are no workplace where inappropriate remarks do not exit. Correct in constructive mannar. Do not offend. Have those express inappropriate remarks break down why they did so. Stay calm, and tell them why you were offend. Do n…

Managing Subordinates Lesson3_Coaching to Improve Performance

Point If you find subordinates' performance lackluster, you should improve it by coaching. Coaching is to improve current issues your subordinates face. You have to focus on not why but what is happening. Listen your subordinates' viewpoin…