
Managing Subordinates Lesson2 Retaining a Subordinate Who Has an Offer from Another Firm

Point Talented subordinates have always oppotunities to have offer from other firms. Conduct a stya meeting. Identifiy what he/she values for offers and do everything you can do to retain him/her. Provider flexble benefit package which mig…

8つの習慣 01 Be lazy

あるブログで8つの習慣というものを見つけた。 http://simplearchitect.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/02/13/080021 一つ目のBe lazyが面白かったです。OECDの中で、日本の生産性が低い事は有名です。特にホワイトカラーの生産性が低いのが原因です。 原因は、…

Managing Subordinates Lesson1 Listening to and Dealing with Complaints

Point Hear complains in a calm manner. Specity what the complains are. Get your subordinates to suggest the solution. You may solve the issues together. Deal with them in a timely manner that allows you to gain trust from your subordinates…